Song for an Angel
(translated by Naif Hérin and Chiara Soldatini)
Se mai lo volessi
Tu puoi far si che vada via
No non piangere
Lascialo scorrere
E poi vidi un angelo
Credici, lei era li
Lei si nascondeva
Silenziosa e fragile
L’hai mai detto a qualcuno?
Lo confessi dentro il buio delle notti tue?
Non chiamarla mai
Lasciala andare via
Lascia che ti tocchi
Resta qui, parlami
Solo che, gli angeli, volano via
If you ever wanted
To let the past just fade away
Don’t call, don’t cry
Quietly just let it go
Once I saw an angel
You’d never think, you’d never know
She was hiding in the dark, quietly, patiently
Did you ever tell anyone?
Did you whisper in your sleep, when you’re all alone?
Don’t call, don’t cry. Quietly, just let it go
Just once, let me touch you
Stay close. Share a thought
Sometimes angels just fly away, fly away
By the Window
Ngồi rằng ngồi tựa ơ song đàọ
Chu hỏi người tri kỷ ra vào
Ra vào có thấy vấn vương
Oh, in the night
The wind steals away my candle light
Closing my eyes. Where can you be?
Those shining eyes
The god of love and fools and lies
Took you away, far away from me
Turn to the sky
Let a star catch your longing eye
Let that star look down on me
Half this cold bed
Where once your restless head was finally free
Waits for you to come back to me
When words run dry
When heaven’s echoes finally die
And bridges all fall to the sea
This one cold night
And all my life
Wait for you to come back to me
God Save the King
Another morning
In pieces in the rain
And everything you ever wanted
Somehow slipped away
They watched from a distance
And when the storm clouds came
They smiled kindly
And asked about your name
I tried
Yes, I tried and I tried to believe
In a world where dreams come true
And love lasts forever and ever
And God save the King
Another morning
Something in the air
For everyone who said nothing
And little ones who hid under the stairs
I tried
Yes, I tried and I tried to believe
In a world where dreams come true
The good guys win
With Christmas trees and I love you
And God save the King
I tried
Yes, I tried and I tried, I tried to believe
In a world where dreams come true
And love lasts forever and ever
And God save the King
Well, all right, I’ll try. I’ll try to believe
Somewhere in this world
Someone will make a dream come true forever
And God save the King
Louder than Words
There’s a time in early hours
When we’re all just shades of gray
Walking alone with your demons in tow
And memories that won’t go away
And if I reached out my hand
And I found words I could say
And you, trembling and all
Could you understand
Or would you turn away?
I hear your heart beating
Your heart singing
Your heart, louder than words
Could ever be
Louder than words could ever be
There’s a time
Nearer the end
The colors are all
Too slow to fade
And yet I’ll hold you
Fast in my heart
No one will ever take you away
I hear your heart beating
Your heart singing
Your heart, louder than words
Could ever be
Louder than words could ever be
I hear your heart beating
Your heart singing
Your heart, louder than words
Could ever be
Louder than words could ever be
11 th of June. The war was over
In her pockets were clovers and bits of the moon
All too soon the wind blew colder
She buckled her armor where ribbons had been
The star came in view. She gave the order
Take up your sword, cut the chains through
Winged Victory
Up from sweet and poison sleep
Beati pauperes spiritu
Beati pacifici
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Blessed are the peacemakers
West Pier
After bells chime
After the night
Wraps around us in fading light
After the leaves and memories die
May your dreams hold you by my side
Softly, falling all around us
All falling free, rain shining through the trees
All in a world that could never be
And never was for you and me
Where do I end and you begin?
Both of us surrendered in cold wind
And if we’re gone by morning light
One kiss to say good night
To say good night